Data Analytics and Targeted Outreach

Various dashboards and software used in soliciting grant support and running targeted advertising campaigns.

Tree Map

Running resource showing the location of Tree-Plenish saplings. Used for grant applications and marketing. Pins geolocated from address data when available. Clustered by zip code for pickup only events (no addresses available).

Tree Map

Tree Map Zoomed In

Zoomed in view, Boston area.


Custom email automation software designed to utilize Tree-Plenish's unique student network. Incorporates two seperate familiarity modes, engagement tracking, and traditional message personalization. Used for >10,000 administrator, teacher, and club advisor addresses obtained through a combination of scraping, manual retrieval and past email lists.

Local Ambassador - Familiarity Networking

Localized Sign Offs

To take advantage of Tree-Plenish's staff across the country, the "Local Ambassador" module chooses to use the sender & signoff information of an employee in a geographically advantageous position to highlight our locality. The distribution was assigned algorithmically using weighted distances. (Note: All names used had volunteered).

Regional Success Indicator - Familiarity Networking (First Used 2021-2022)

Localized Sign Offs 2021 Coverage Map

To take advantage of the prior year of events a regional indicator is used in the relevant areas. This translates into an added paragraph describing the closest event's successes to show the applicability for a Tree-Plenish event in the region. Note that this 15 mile condition is purposefully stretched to the nearest zipcode, in reality this assumes around 25 miles of name recognition.

Traffic & Engagement Tracking

Admin Email Results

Link-Based Engagement tracking was incorporated to provide time-based insights and to give an idea of the overall efficacy of this type of campaign.

Template and Results

Sample Email

Overall, this first campaign showed a 15% conversion rate from engagement (opened email) to further communication. Since then we have continued to use this automated strategy incorporating geographical factors as one of the main outreach methods.